Game Processing

Hours: Sunday-Saturday 7 AM to 7 PM

Venison yield is influenced by 4 major factors
  1. Shot Placement: Bullet placement can greatly increase or hinder venison yield.
  2. Field Dressing: The cleaner the meat. the greater the yield.
  3. Handling:
    a) Transportation: while traveling avoid any road heat,excess dust and debris.
    b) Storage: Avoid prolonged exposure to the elements, heat, dirt, insects and vermin.
  4. Processing: Finally, if properly cared for, selection of a qualified processor can further insure tastier and greater yield.


  • Medium Deer 75lbs. or less $92.50
  • 76lbs. – 100lbs. $105.00
  • 101lbs. – 125lbs. $117.50
  • 126lbs. – 150lbs. $130.00
  • 151lbs. – 175lbs. $142.50
  • 176lbs. and over $155.00
  • All Boneless add $35.00


  • Elk (processing) $1.35 per lb.
  • All Boneless add .35¢ per lb


  • Deer add extra $45.00 each
  • Elk add extra $90.00 each 


  • Deer  $20.00 per day
  • Elk  $30.00 per day

Specialty Services

  • Grind Only  .70¢ per lb.
  • Wrap Only  .65¢ per lb.
  • Grind and Wrap  $1.35 per lb.
  • Add Beef or Pork  add $2.75 per lb.

By Products

  • Italian Sausage  $3.75 per lb.
  • Country Sausage  $3.50 per lb.
  • Links (Hot or Mild)  $4.00 per lb.
  • Links (Jalapeño & Cheese) $4.50 per lb.
  • Salami (Hot or Mild) $18.00 each
  • Salami (Jalapeño & Cheese) $20.00 each
  • Pepperoni $13.50 per lb.
  • Bratwurst $3.75 per lb.
  • Chorizo $3.75 per lb.

Game Processing Charts